Amiga Active Issue 3
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On sale date: Thursday, November 25th 1999

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  • EXCLUSIVE playable demo of WipEout 2097 on the CD, accompanied by the first review of the full game inside the mag!

  • News... on the Microsoft ruling, the new Developers CD from Haage & Partner, PowerOS, OS3.5 updates, the Gateway/AOL deal, Open Source AmigaOS campaign, Innovative's new products, the Millennium Toaster/Flyer collection and the Phase5/QNX alliance.

  • Reviews... Netconnect 3 - the latest bumper Internet suite now available from Eyetech. Castelwood ORB - the first ever Amiga magazine review of the 2.2GB removable media drive from Castlewood - how does it stack up to rivals like the Iomega Jaz (reviewed in issue one)? Apollo Z4 - you can now add Zorro slots to your towered A1200 and gain access to future Z4 hardware into the bargain... AWeb-II v3.3 - the latest update to Amitrix's browser gets the once over. FXPaint from Innovative offers a host of powerful effects, and PowerPC support into the bargain. Is it a challenger to the likes of ImageFX and Photogenics? Power Flyer Gold A1200 - the A1200 version of the enhanced IDE interface from Power Computing examined.

  • Features... Soul of a New Amiga - How will we tell if the next machine bearing the Amiga name is truly an Amiga? Part three of our "Back for the Future" series examines the preliminary results of our online survey and discusses the philosophy and implications of a future machine bearing the Amiga name. Total Networking Solutions - The benefits and joys of networking your Amiga, without the heartache. Parallel Chillers and Serial Killers - What the addition of a third-party parallel and/or serial port can do for you and your Amiga. Welcome to the World of Broadband - The key to the future or just another I.T. buzzword? We examine the impact ADSL and broadband communications could have on your Amiga and the way you use it.

  • Games previewed... Hellsquad from Digital Dreams Entertainment (previously Hell Pigs from Vulcan), Between The Lines - a 3D RPG from Dreamworlds, Bubble Heroes - a Puzzle Bobble clone from Arcadia and Crystal Interactive Software... and Exodus - a real-time strategy from Poland that looks set to give Napalm a run for its money.

  • Games reviewed... WipEout 2097 - The long-awaited Amiga conversion of this classic futuristic racer finally arrives courtesy of Digital Images and Blittersoft. Does it live up to expectations?

  • Masterclass... Professional Audio - How you can make beautiful music with your Amiga... accompanied by an example audio track on the CD!

  • Online... Getting the Most from your Modem - Reduce your phone bill for free with our helpful tips. Cool Sites and News Bytes - the usual roundup of the best sites and coolest sites to visit on the internet.

  • RetroActive... A nostalgic look back at the A3000UX - yes, the A3000UX. Not a lot of people knew about it...

  • All of the above, PLUS... The monthly roundup of all the best Active Shareware, A selection of some fashionable, funny or just plain weird Top Gear, Your letters, our replies in InterActive and our answers to your problems courtesy of the Guru.

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